I Can Pull Off Hats
Check out these 3 awesome and affordable styles that can jazz up any outfit!
Fedora, Guacho, Panama...No these aren't the exotic getaways you should go after the holidays. Even though these could fit the scene for any get away, imagine yourself relaxing next to a "cuter" significant other and not only is the beach cabana canopy and the palm tree next to it saving you from a sun glare with warm cool shade, but so is your chic hat!
OK, OK, so it's not exactly summer anymore, but you know how much of a summer girl I am, so why not saydream a little. But then again why not have a Fall hat that you can use for the summer also! These perfect pieces pair well with any fall-colored-outifit, and goes along great with a confident and adventurous attitude!
Lets break it down...
Just like a sexy female version of "Indiana Jones", this kind of fedora has a wool-weathered look which is exactly what you need, even if it's paired with a faux fur or vest or leather jacket [but you don't need any whips to make this hat stand out] wearing th snap brim tilted forward or to the side will really have the guys running through the Temple of Doom for you. "But where could I possibly find a great deal on a style that is so popualr and yet doesnt look like I borrowed it from my great aunt's wardrobe? Well good thing you asked because Honey do I have a deal for you! Check out the PHENIX, for only $29.97 @nordstromrack! They have a great selection in store and online (nordstromrack.com). This is a great look that comes is grey or black which are perfect nuetrals for the season. Whether you'r having a bad hair day or if you want a prim look with a braid tossed to the side, it is one of the go-to hats of the season!
Can I just say how much I am into woll hats this season! Not only are they such a fabulous accessory, but are also super easy to clean and a great cover for no-make-up-day! Just tilt that baby to the front. Easy. So I wanted to introduce you to the world of the Miner's Hat. No worries, on looking like you just tilled something on this look, but it is such a classic take on an outdoorsy mountain maiden look. While others drift along with their army caps and small brimmed fishing hats [apologies on the hat references] you will be gazing mysteriously onto your next sip and shop destination while illustriously wearing your hair long, completing the Casa Blanca style to your not so ordinary outfit. @revolveclothing has been my go-to shopping destination for all of my essential accessory needs! You can get your Magdalena Hat at revolveclothing.com for a solid $63.00! You can't miss out!!
The more I search the more of these outdoorsy and "mountain woman styles" pop up. This style will not be going anywhere anytime soon. It is a timeless look that fits any bod type, size, wardrobe. You name it, it never fails to please the adventurous fashionista. If you have an oval or heart shaped face this hat is for you! As well as those who don't want to admit it, but have a good sized noggin as well [a.k.a. Me] I love these hats because they give the illusion that my head is not cone shaped or abnormally large [totally exaggerating], but it is a fail safe for me if I need a statement accessory to complete my outfit if I'm in a hurry.